Other Happenings January 2023


Here is handsome Elder Smith standing in front of Duke's Court - our apartment building.  The Killarney Mall is right across the street.  There are two grocery stores in the mall and they let you bring your shopping carts all the way to your apartment - then leave by the elevators and they will come and collect them.  We usually carry our groceries unless they are too heavy then we take advantage of bringing them all the way 'home'.  
Elder and Sister Humbert's daughter was having some problems with her fourth pregnancy and Sister Humbert went to Utah to assist with the other three little ones!  Darling picture of Scotty Kay - one day old!  
Wonderful sisters from Zimbabwe who were staying in Temple Patron housing last week.  It is cool how they use a piece of fabric and tie their baby's on their backs! I'm pretty sure mine would have fallen out!  
Pretty salad that Brian, the chef, made for our dinner at the Walston's.  
The moon when a slice - is on the other side in this southern hemisphere! 
Sister Perkins and her good camera - from her flat balcony! 

Lindsey and Heather joined forces and got this small package to our friend and pathway student Wendy - to bring back from Provo to me.  The Malpage family went to Provo for the holidays, taking a daughter to BYU and enjoying the wedding of a son.  


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