Briella's Primary Program and Elder and Sister Candland leaving for home.
Elder Stuart and Sister Evelyn Candland - Church History specialists - leaving for their home in Northern California, on September 21, 2022. They also served in Spain and Argentina - they speak excellent Spanish! He turned 80 years old just 6 days before Elder Smith!
Some of the senior elders helping to load the van for the trip to the airport. The flight went to London for a seven hour layover! The a non stop flight to San Francisco.
Love the willingness of the seniors to help each other!
Love the sisters wanting to chat just a few more minutes!!
Wonderful senior missionaries, Elder and Sister Candland in front, from left - the Smiths, the Goodsons, the Humberts, the Watsons, the Walters and Elder Richman.
Heather gave us the link to the Edgemont Fourth Ward Sacrament meeting. It was their annual Primary Program and we wanted to watch Briella do her part. She got a cute new short hair cut - but we recognized her.
She did a great job - and was the last of all the primary children to speak!! Emilee's program did not have a link - Lindsey's does and it will be in a couple of weeks - We hope to watch it also.
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