Sister Forsyth Birthday, flowers and misc.
This is the Birthday package as it arrived in Anchorage - - Sam sent the photo and said: I think they dragged it behind the truck! All inside was okay - I don't send things that will break! Just wanted you to see the Summer Sale sign - Feb. 18 - 28th!! Elder and Sister Forsyth invited all the senior couples to have cake in honor of her birthday on Tuesday - 02/22/2022! Delicious chocolate cake! Fun senior couples. This is our lunchroom. Before Covid it was full of temple patrons who were staying in the housing in the building. They even offered food for sale from the kitchen. Now we eat our lunch there and somtimes there are missionaries from far that come to the temple and bring their lunches. Elder and Sister Forsyth - she is 67 - so young! Elder and Sister Humphreys gave us their porch plant - it has about doubled size in a couple of weeks - we think it is happy! Sister Denkers gave us her white poinsettia, and Elder ...