Jordan High School 60th Year Reunion
September 8 and 9 we attended my 60th year reunion from Jordan High School. Sure wish Derrell could have been with me. My friends usually say - Hi Dianne, did Derrell come?!! Carol Page Marriott, Kathy Birth Damjonovich, me! We all spoke at our Graduation. Kathy went on the United Nations trip with me when we were 16 years old! 70+ years ago. Dick Payne married a girl from Sue's grade - Gloria Pagett - her older sister was one of my best friends. Tommy Marriott and I were Students of the Week at Mt. Jordan Junior High School !! Jean Sailisbury Goff, Susan Greenwood ? very good friends. Both of their husbands have passed away. Susan wanted to tell me that I should have been Drama Student of the year 1963 - I didn't even know it existed and didn't care if I wasn't chosen - she was!! Identical twins, Jeanie and Janie Hall ? They had younger sisters, also identical twins - Tamela and Pamela, then identical twin boys, but only...