
Showing posts from April, 2022

Last of the Prison - Constitution Court

  This is the Constitution Court - the highest in the country.  The flag was handmade by some native women and given to the court.  The eleven judges sit in the top chairs - they have a rare South African cow hide in front of them - with different white markings - showing both unity and diversity.  The bricks are from part of the old prison that was torn down.  Notice the narrow windows that show outside of the room.  Our guide said this is to remind the judges that what they do doesn't just affect those in the room, but everyone outside also.  Our guide at the court telling us about it.   The logo of South Africa - justice courts used to be held under a large tree.  South Africa has 11 official languages and there are eleven people under the tree - and the center of the tree makes the South African flag.   This is the foyer of the Constitution Court Building.  It has pillars representing tree trunks, and branches and leav...

More Prison information

  This is the size of the women's prison cells - sometimes four women were in there - one bucket with drinking water - the other one for a toilet! These are the isolation cells in the men's side of the prison.  In native language - deep dark hole. Mahatma Gandi spent some time in this prison. He lived in Johannesburg for over 20 years - and was arrested for a peaceful protest in 1908. He was sentenced for 2 months, spent only 19 days.  Cool that he and Nelson Mandela were in the same prison - different times! This is a communal cell - built to hold 30 prisoners, sometimes held over 60! No beds - sleeping mats on the floor - two toilets for all those men. The kitchen would prepare three pots for the prisoners.  The whites would get the most meat in their soup, the coloreds a few pieces, the blacks - none. Such a sad history - glad there is another judgement where we will all be rewarded for our good or bad deeds!

Constitution Hill Saturday April 30, 2022

On Saturday, April 30, the senior couples went to Constitution Hill and had a tour.  Most of the tour was of the old Prison that was in the middle of Johannesburg - built in 1892 as the first prison in town. Here is Elder Smith and Sister Goodson in front of the most famous inmate - Nelson Mandela. This is the entrance - we had 9 senior couples, and Sister Sims.  Elder Sims was not feeling well.  This whole prison complex is now a museum and National Historic Monument.  So much evil went on here! Joe Slovo is the name of a street in town that we drive on often.  It was good to learn he was an attorney and helped his fellow black brothers when they were in prison.  He said his office was one of the open air toilets that they had to use.  One of the small cells in the women's prison drab and depressing.    Nelson Mandela's cell - in the hospital room.  The prison officials were afraid of his popularity around the world and would ...

Quilt tying April 27, 2022

  Wednesday, April 25th, is a National Holiday in South Africa - Freedom Day.  It is the date of the first elections held after apartheid was abandoned.  Since the office staff were not at work, some of the senior sisters tied a small quilt for Elder and Sister Elggren - they leave in June. Elder Smith figured out how to use the backs of the chairs for the corners of the quilting frame.  Sister Candland, Sister Goodson, Sister Forsyth, me, and Sister Perkins.  Sister Perkins has the longest arms - she could reach all the way to the middle of the quilt! Elder Smith just after helping me set it all up!  He is a good quilter!!  This is the Ruth Room where we have Devotionals, and on Sunday - our Come Follow Me lessons.  

More random happenings

  We had 28 missionaries from the Madagascar Mission this week in the Temple Patron Housing.  Here they are in the Family History Center - such wonderful young people! April 28, 2022 The Swifts and Goodsons came to help the Cleverlys - this young man wanted a picture with me - said I could be his Grandmother!  Each of them were able to find a family name to take to the temple. Our wonderful Family History Center - two of the young people needed hours of help to straighten out their accounts - and our senior couple did that!   In the lunchroom - we always enjoy having the young missionaries eat lunch with us...well - in the same room! Our lunch lady makes good meals, and the seniors can order them also! Sister Candland and her order at our Sister's Monthly Birthday luncheon - fantastic food.  Monday, April 25th - four sisters have birthdays in April/May.  We always have a good time, eating, and talking! My salmon salad - very creative!  Olives and ...

Random happenings

  Some of the Primary Children in the Kwa-Thema 2nd Ward!  Aren't they beautiful?  I love their smiles. These Big Five pins were for sale at the Elephant/Monkey place - the big five from the back!  I thought it was funny but not enough to purchase them!!  I got brave and decided to make a layer cake - we had two other couples over to dinner.  All the others I have attempted over the years have slid off!   Not to bad for me!  and it tasted really good!! One of the other senior sisters sent me this - I loved it and her! The Award winner of a Church art contest - a copy hangs in our flat.

Monkey Sanctuary

  The Monkey Sanctuary was fun.  Here are Elder and Sister Sims on the suspension bridge.  There are 3-4 different species of monkeys in this large enclosure - we couldn't see the back fences.  There were wooden trails built around and we had a nice hike after feeding them.    Sister Candland with her new monkey hat!  Elder Candland trying to find some food for it! See Sister Candland at the back with the monkey on her head?  Note the wooden walkways we used to go around and feed monkeys.  They would sit on the railings and grab your arm to have you turn around and feed them. This sign made us all laugh!   Elder Smith and Sister Goodson - feeding the monkeys! Elder Candland, Elder and Sister Sims - feeding and taking pictures! Some of them were picky - they would push some food out of the way to find what they wanted! There were several momma monkeys with little ones on their backs - I liked to feed them. See the quantity and qualit...

More Elephant Sanctuary

  I really dislike having the last picture chosen from the files - be the first one in print!  Oh well - there must be a way to change that and I don't know it!  This is a fun picture - the young couple holding the elephants tusks got engaged just after doing this.  All the rest of our group were guided to the education plaza - and a guide stayed with them. Our guide told us that they were getting engaged and we all clapped when they joined us - she showed us all her ring!  The other couple to the far right live in Joberg - he read my name tag and said - "A Mormon - I've always wanted to meet one of those!"  I told him there were eight of us there and we would love to answer his questions!  He did ask me if we were Christian - I said definitely - that Christ was the head of our Church - we didn't have much time during the event, but he gave me his email and we will keep in touch!  This is the spot in the forest that both elephants stopped and the ...